EKM Settings API Reference


POST https://api.ekmpush.com/sendCommand

Query parameters

Name Description
key Account key
gateway Push3 gateway mac address


A JSON dictionary containing the following attributes:


A simple example showing how to send a command to close a meter relay.

In this example we'll use a made up account key of "AKJfskKJD321kjh", a gateway mac address of "995DAD427614", and a meter number "000700001234". The demo name of the client app is "MyAwesomeApp".

You will need to substitute your account key, a gateway mac address and a valid meter number for which you have access to. And use a client app name that is as unique as possible.

The command will close relay one for five seconds.



Body JSON:

    "target": "meter",
    "target_id": "000700001234",
    "command": "SetRelay",
    "client": "MyAwesomeApp",
    "params": {
        "relay": "relay_1",
        "status": "close",
        "duration": 5